Saturday, January 1, 2011

1 Nephi 3:1 -- Speaking with the Lord

Nephi doesn't just pray, he speaks with the Lord. If I leave a message on your answering machine, I don't tell people that I spoke with you. I have to say something to you and you have to say something back, live at the moment. When I pray, it seems like most of the time I am leaving a message to the Lord, not speaking with the Lord. I pray to tell the Lord things. Sometimes I pray just to get my "check mark" for the day. That's not what the true meaning of prayer is. We need to speak with the Lord.

When I pray, I need to treat it like I do when I talk with my earthly Father. Let him know what's going on. Ask for advice, or help. Listen to his council, and try to soak in his wisdom. Don't just leave a message telling Him stuff. Actually talk with Him.