Sunday, January 21, 2018

German Translation of Gospel Words


In german is Rechtschaffen.   "Recht" meaning right and "schaffen" meaning to create or bring into existence or to acheive.  I love that idea of bringing what is right into existence.  If you want to be righteous you need to thing about what kind of reality are you creating with your choices.


In german is Ehebruch.  "Ehe" meaning marriage and "bruch" meaning to break.  The german is very powerful in the fact that you are breaking your marriage when you commit adultery. It also makes Christs words more understandable that when you look upon another with lust you are breaking your marriage, you are breaking your spouses heart.  

Always remember him

In german is immer an ihn denken.  "Immer" meaning always.  "An ihn" meaning of him. "Denken" meaning think.  Always thinking of him.  How much of your day do you spend thinking of Jesus Christ.  Remember is more like "oh, I didn't forget about him"  but the german is more like "that is where my mind is".  I like that it is more active about it.