Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Nephi 1:9-12 -- Read the Word of God and be filled with the Spirit

In Lehi's vision, he saw Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles descend from Heaven. Christ "gave unto him a book, and bade him that he should read." (verse 11) We have, likewise, been given books that we have been told to read. What is the consequence for not reading as we have been asked? I don't know if I have a definite answer to that, but I can tell you of my experiences. I have gone through my own personal ups-and-downs. It seems to me that being obedient in studying the scriptures has helped my life to sail smoothly forward. When I get relaxed and fail to read as I have been asked, I fall quickly into rough waters (spiritually).

Verse 12 is the real short and sweet statement of doctrine that I have found to be so very true in my life. "And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord." It may not be a new concept at all. The primary answers are "say your prayers, go to church, and read the scriptures." They are the right answers to so many of life's challenges. The one thing I would add to these answers is: don't just do these things to get your check mark for the day! Do them to change yourself. Don't just do them to appear better or feel better, do them to become better.

As Lehi read the book that Christ asked him to read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord. Fill yourself with that Spirit and you will see the natural, positive consequences follow.

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