Sunday, August 9, 2009

1 Nephi 2:10-18 -- Firm, Stiff, Soft, Hard

Soft and Firm are good. Stiff and Hard are bad.

In verse 10 Lehi pleads with Lemuel to be "firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord!" We find out in the very next verse that Lemuel is actually "stiffnecked". So, stiff and firm seem very similar, but there is definitely a big difference. If you look up the definitions firm definitely has an overall positive connotation. Stiff, on the other hand, is pretty negative. See the following from

firm –adjective
1. not soft or yielding when pressed; comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid: firm ground; firm texture.
2. securely fixed in place.
3. not shaking or trembling; steady: a firm voice.
4. not likely to change; fixed; settled; unalterable: a firm belief.
5. steadfast or unwavering, as persons or principles: firm friends.
6. indicating firmness or determination: a firm expression.
7. not fluctuating much or falling, as prices, values, etc.: The stock market was firm today.

stiff –adjective
1. rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar.
2. not moving or working easily: The motor was a little stiff from the cold weather.
3. (of a person or animal) not supple; moving with difficulty, as from cold, age, exhaustion, or injury.
4. strong; forceful; powerful: stiff winds; The fighter threw a stiff right to his opponent's jaw.
5. strong or potent to the taste or system, as a beverage or medicine: He was cold and wanted a good stiff drink.
6. resolute; firm in purpose; unyielding; stubborn.
7. stubbornly continued: a stiff battle.

I also think of my sculpting class in college. The clay needed to be firm, so that I could mold it into what I wanted it to be, and it would stay. If the clay was too stiff, I couldn't even get it in the position I wanted in the first place. The Lord is the sculptor and we are the clay.

In verse 13 we learn of Laman and Lemuels lack of belief. Contrast that with Nephi who we find in verse 16 wanting to "know" but is blessed with belief. In the next verse, Sam believes too. Nephi's "desire to know" led him to cry unto the Lord. The Lord blesses him with a softened heart, to believe. Finally in verse 18, we read of Laman and Lemuels hard heart. Again, from

soft -adjective
1. yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow.

hard -adjective
1. not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.

Can the whispering of the spirit penetrate your heart, or is it impenetrable? The sculpting clay shouldn't be hard! It needs to be soft.

Let the Spirit into your life. Pray for a soft heart, that the Lord may bless you. Laman and Lemuel did actually follow the prophet (their father) to the promised land. How many of us are like Laman and Lemuel following, but not being soft, yet firm. Are we following with a hard heart and a stiff neck, murmuring about what the Lord is asking us to do? We need to allow the Lord to write into our heart the things that need to be there. Like belief. Be a Nephi and Sam, not a Laman and Lemuel.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1 Nephi 2:8-10 -- The Fountain of all Righteousness

In verse 8 Lehi names the river that the family is camping near. By naming it "Laman", we see that Lehi has a definite affection for his oldest son. Lemuel also gets special consideration by having the valley named after him. Nephi and Sam receive no such special treatment. I could see a father in that culture truly desiring his oldest son to become the primary heir of the family. Lehi must have been pained by the murmuring sons and wanted to do everything he could to help them.

Lehi uses the symbolism of the river running into the Red Sea when he tells Laman, "O that thou mightest be like unto this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness!" Laman had a desire to run back to the destruction that awaited a wicked Jerusalem. Lehi was trying to change his attitude.

I think it is interesting how Lehi compares the Red Sea to the source of all righteousness. Where does all righteousness come from? My first thoughts are Jesus Christ and his atonement. The "Red" Sea brings to my mind the blood that Christ shed from every pore to provide the atonement for all humanity. Their family was running from the wicked world they lived in, towards the Red Sea. What direction are we headed in? Are we "continually running" to Christ? We see not only the direction we should be headed, but that we should be "running" in that direction. Hurry. Not only do we see the direction we should be headed and the urgency which we should have, but we also see how we are to run: "continually". Non-stop. Always. Do we have to casual an attitude in life about these things? If so, we must repent. I feel repentance is exactly what Lehi is encouraging us to do continually. The Red Sea that Christ shed for us is truly the source of our righteousness. Without the atonement we would be trapped in an existence of bondage to unrighteousness. Don't head in the wrong direction. When you're headed in the right direction, don't just casually make your way, RUN! When running in the right direction, don't ever stop or even relax to take a break. Follow Lehi's wish for his sons.

We see a similar analogy in Moses leading the children of Israel from Egypt. Read Exodus chapter 14. They were in bondage (like we are to sin and wickedness). They ran away and headed to the "promised land" (as we should be headed toward the Celestial Kingdom of God). They were overcome by the armies of Pharaoh (as we would be without the atonement). They cried out to the Lord (as we must). They were afraid that they could never escape the destruction of Egypt, but Moses said to them in verses 13 and 14, "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord... The Lord shall fight for you" What a powerful message to all of us who are in bondage to sin. The children of Israel were commanded to go forward. They went on the path provided through waters of the Red Sea. In verse 28 we read, "And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them." The blood of Jesus Christ can cover our sins that "not so much as one of them" will remain. How desperately we need the atonement of Jesus Christ.

The Red Sea did not change it's position to go wipe out the Egyptian armies. The children of Israel had to change their position, get into, and pass through the Red Sea to allow the washing away of their captors. Likewise, the river Laman did not just run to the edge of the Red Sea. As Lehi urged his son, may we also follow his council to "be like this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

1 Nephi 2:6-7 -- Tents and Alters in the Valley of Lemuel

In chapter 2 verse 6 we learn that they traveled 3 days from Jerusalem and stopped for a while. We don't know exactly how long they were there, but they don't travel again until chapter 16. The tent he pitched there seems to be in the same place when the Liahona appears outside that tent in chapter 16 and they are directed to move. Several of the chapters that take place while they are in the valley of Lemuel are devoted to Lehi's vision of the tree and the iron rod (and Nephi's subsequent revelations about it). 2 trips back to Jerusalem for the Brass Plates and Wives are from there. Nephi and his brothers get married there. Hmm. It is interesting that there was an alter built in chapter 2 verse 7, right after there was a tent pitched in the previous verse.

When Moses led the children of Israel in the wilderness, the tabernacle (their "temple") was a tent. I wonder if Lehi's tent was more than just a portable home? I wonder if the marriages of his sons were performed at that alter or in a tent or neither. I really don't know if those marriages were performed in a similar way to a modern temple marriage. The facilities could have certainly been there.

I guess one of the really powerful lessons that Lehi teaches us, is to be grateful. Just 3 days prior, he left all of his friends, extended family, business matters, usual comforts and wealth behind. He is now in for many years of tribulation and what does he do? He builds an alter to give an offering of thanksgiving to the Lord. He thanks the Lord. He is sacrificing so much already, yet he makes a sacrifice at the alter to say thanks. With the right perspective in mind, Lehi really does have a lot to be grateful for. His family would have been destroyed if they had not been guided by the Lord to leave. His family has a chance that they wouldn't have had without leaving. Lehi sees that blessing and appropriately thanks the Lord for it. Those who don't see that blessing murmur because of all they have left behind.

On a couple levels it reminds me of Lot and Abraham and the direction they pitched their tents. Lot's wife looked back in a similar way that Laman and Lemuel longed to be back in Jerusalem. Do you face yourself towards the temple/alter/Liahona, or do you long for the worldly rewards? Think about where your focus is. Be thankful for the opportunities we have to move away from worldly things and toward the "promised land". It truly is a blessing to be grateful for.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

1 Nephi 2:5 Lehi's Family (how many and how old?)

In this verse we learn that Lehi's family consisted of Sariah (Lehi's wife) and 4 sons (Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi). That is not anything new or earth shattering. What I find interesting is how the family grows after leaving Jerusalem. Nephi must be at least in his teens right? He is large enough in stature to fool Laban's guards into thinking he actually is Laban (1 Nephi 4:21). I know some big 12 and 13 year old boys that could maybe pull that off, but I'm guessing Nephi is at least a couple years older than that. We know from Jacob 1:1 that Nephi lives at least 55 years after leaving Jerusalem. If he was 15 when they left, that would put him at 70 when he gives his brother Jacob charge over the plates. Jacob would be just under 55 years old at that time because he was the first-born of Lehi and Sariah in the wilderness (2 Nephi 2:1).

That is an interesting gap in ages. Lehi and Sariah had 4 boys and then stopped having children for over 10 years (approximately 15 years if my presumptions are correct). I wonder why they had such a long span between children. Why did they begin having children again once they left Jerusalem? If Sariah had her first 4 sons over the space of 5 years, that would make Laman about 20 years old when the family left Jerusalem. If Sariah was 15-20 years old when she gave birth to Laman, that would make her 35-40 years old when they left Jerusalem. I would guess that she was closer to 15 than to 20 when she started having children (based on what I presume about their culture). So Lehi was probably in his late 30s or early 40s when the family set out for the promised land. The white haired Lehi that we see in the paintings seems older than that. I bet he looked younger than the paintings portray.

Now, the growth of the family after leaving Jerusalem includes at least 4 more children. We know that Jacob and Joseph are born in the wilderness. We also learn in 2 Nephi 5:6 that he had sisters. That's plural. It could have been more than 2, but Nephi had at least 2 sisters. When were they born? Well, Nephi clearly states that the family consisted of Mom, Dad, and 4 boys in 1 Nephi 2:5 (600 B.C.). In 1 Nephi 18:7 we find out that Jacob and Joseph were born in the wilderness (about 590 B.C. when they first get mentioned). In 2 Nephi 3:1 Joseph is called the last-born. Does that mean last born boy? When were Nephi's sisters born. I'm guessing they were born in the wilderness between 600-590 B.C. That would make Sariah in her late 30s and early 40s when she had these kids. Unless "sisters" is a more general term that included Nephi's nieces? Then Sariah would have only had boys. Maybe the sisters were there all along, and Nephi only reported the boys in 1 Nephi 2:5.

I'm pretty sure the sisters weren't there yet, because of Ishmael's family. Lehi's 4 sons are sent back to Jerusalem to get wives. Ishmael's family fits the bill. On the way back into the wilderness we learn from 1 Nephi 7:6 that Ishmael had 2 sons and 5 daughters. So, Ishmael's 2 sons would maybe match up with possible daughters of Lehi and Sariah, but 1 Nephi 7:6 also informs us that those sons already had their own families. It would seem that Nephi had no sisters at that point. The sisters were born later.

We know that Lehi died between 588 and 570 B.C. If he was 40 when they left Jerusalem that would have him dying between the ages of 52 and 70. He tells Joseph "thou art little... remember the words of thy dying father" in 2 Nephi 3:25. I'm thinking Joseph had to be old enough for a conversation like that, yet young enough to be called little. Maybe he was 10? He was born sometime before 590 B.C. and I think it was about 593 B.C. Lehi says in 2 Nephi 3:1 that Joseph was "born in the wilderness of mine afflictions; yea in the days of my greatest sorrow did thy mother bear thee." Going back to 1 Nephi 17:1 we learn that they "did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness." Then a few verses later in verse 5 they came to the land of Bountiful around 592 B.C. The land of Bountiful surely wasn't where Lehi had the days of his greatest sorrow. So, based on all of these facts, I would guess that Joseph was born around 593 B.C. That was 7 years after leaving Jerusalem. About 10 years later Lehi died, maybe around 60 years old. Sariah would have been somewhere between 42 to 47 years old when Joseph was born. No surprise that he was the last-born. It seems as though the sisters must have been born between Jacob and Joseph during those 7 years.

So that is what I can surmise about Lehi's family, based on the writings of Nephi and Jacob. I know it's not really eternally significant. There are many more doctrinal studies that will strengthen my testimony, but it really gives me more of a feel for what the situation was. These were real people, going through real experiences. I am grateful for the obedience of Lehi's family and their dedication in following the Lord.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1 Nephi 2:4 "and took nothing with him"

Lehi didn't waste any time getting his family out of Jerusalem after the Lord commanded him to do so. There is no mention of long preparations, or getting things settled first. In verse 2, he was commanded. In verse 3, we are told that Lehi was obedient. In verse 4, he's gone. One of the interesting parallels of Lehi's journey with his family is how it is like our journey in life, trying to get to "the promised land" or the celestial kingdom. Something that stands out to me more than ever before is the phrase, "and took nothing with him." He left behind all of his possessions. Essentially he gave it all up for the Lord. It reminds me of Christ telling the rich man that all he had left to do was to sell everything he had and follow him (Matthew 19:21). That man went away sorrowful because he had great possessions (v. 22). Lehi knew what was of eternal worth.

The phrase "and took nothing with him" also reminds me of death. You can't take any possessions with you. Lehi had lived in "the world" and was now leaving it, heading for the promised land. When you die you will leave this world, leaving behind all your worldly possessions. One thing Lehi took was his family. Our families can be sealed together forever. That's something that we can take with us. How much do we invest in possessions? How much to we invest in things of eternal value? How much do we invest in our family?

"Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy..." 2 Nephi 9:51

We need to be more like Lehi and less like the rich man Jesus talked to. Consecrate everything to the Lord. Be willing to give up everything and follow the Lord.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

1 Nephi 2:3 -- Dreams and Obedience part 2

Lehi just had a dream where the Lord commanded him to leave the city and take his family into the wilderness. Verse 3 says, "And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him." His family may not have been excited about Lehi's obedience, but it definitely made an impression on one of his sons. In the very next chapter we hear an echo of this verse in a very well known scripture. His son Nephi mirrors his father's example when he says in 1 Nephi 3:7, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded..."

Children seem to mirror their parents in many ways. Obviously Laman and Lemuel prove that it doesn't always work. Everyone has agency to choose their path. I wonder who Laman and Lemuel decided to mirror with their actions? If you are a parent, you must act in a way that your children will see your obedience and follow. You must also be aware of who else might be influencing them. Examine yourself and your influence on your children. Keep a close watch on other influences in their lives. Change your ways NOW so that your children will have as much positive influence as possible in their lives. The choice you make today can make an impact in the lives of your great-great-great grandchildren.

To illustrate this point I will use a personal example. I have many weaknesses, but foul language is not one of them. I have never had to struggle with controlling my tongue when it comes to crude, foul language. I live in a society where I am bombarded on a daily basis with it, yet have no desire to use it. It is not really anything that I can take credit for because I owe it all to my parents who influenced me in such a positive way. I have NEVER heard a foul word come out of my mother's mouth, so it is just natural for me to follow. Where did my mother learn to use clean language? Well, I can tell you that reading through some of my great-great-great grandfather's journals, I came across something interesting. He was traveling across the plains with the pioneers and expressed some disappointment at the language that some of them used. The choices made by him have had a tremendous impact on my life. What kind of impact will you have on your posterity? Make it easier for them by leaving a legacy of goodness.

One last note. In the Old Testament, we learn of the righteousness of Abraham, and the resulting covenant that the Lord made with him. I don't know how many greats are involved, but his is one of my grandfathers. I am blessed this very day because of the choices Abraham made thousands of years ago.

Be a blessing in the lives of your posterity by your obedience and good influence.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

1 Nephi 2:1-2 -- Dreams and Obedience part 1

The first thing that chapter 2 reports is that the Lord spoke to Lehi in a dream. Through this dream Lehi receives some praise and some instructions. I wonder if Lehi saw the Lord in his dream and he dreamed of the Lord talking to him to tell him these things. When I think of other scriptural dreams, they are often something that needs interpreting. It seems to be much more direct according to how I read it. If it was a dream like those of one of Lehi's ancestors, Joseph of Egypt, he would have had to receive the Lords message to him through interpretation. We will see that Lehi packs up his whole family and leaves Jerusalem after this dream. Dreams can be a way for the Lord to communicate to us, but I think it would take a great deal of faith to leave everything behind because of a dream that you had. Lehi was absolutely obedient.

So, the dream itself includes the Lord letting Lehi know how blessed he is because of his faithfulness and preaching of the Gospel. Then in verse 2 Lehi is told to take his family into the wilderness. If I think about that for a little bit, I can see where Laman and Lemuel are coming from, "so Dad, you had a dream and now we are leaving everything we've ever known, to live in the wilderness?" I like that Lehi was commanded to take his family, and not just save himself (or just the kids that wanted to go). He was to get his family out of the wickedness. There is some symbolism in taking your family out of wickedness and towards the promised land. Take them with you! It doesn't even mention where they are headed yet. So did Lehi know where they were headed? Did he just obey and hope for the best. When the Lord asks you to do something, it's probably going to work out for you better if you follow his will.

In the next entry we will examine the effects of Lehi's obedience.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

1 Nephi 1:20 -- Nephi's Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a declaration of your purpose for writing a paper, or what you intend to prove. That's one thing I learned throughout my schooling. We find Nephi's "thesis statement" in the last verse of chapter 1. "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."

When I was on my mission in Germany, we were not allowed to go out on new year's eve. There were too many dangers (drunk people with illegal fireworks for example). I was working in the mission office with 5 other elders and we decided to try to read the whole Book of Mormon in 1 sitting, like Parley P. Pratt. I didn't end up reading fast enough to get all the way through, but made it about half way. One elder made it all the way through. There wasn't time for deep introspection about each verse, but a general theme to the entire Book of Mormon stood out to me: DELIVERANCE. The definition of deliverance includes, "rescue from bondage or danger" and "salvation". We see it all through the entire book! We all need deliverance from things. Lehi's family leaves Jerusalem and makes it to the promised land. Nephi and his brothers escape from Laban and are eventually able to get the brass plates. These types of experiences can be symbolic of our own personal need to escape sin, receive forgiveness, and make it to heaven.

As Nephi's thesis states, we need the "tender mercies of the Lord" in order for us to be delivered from sin and spiritual death. Elder David A. Bednar spoke in general conference about this very topic. You may read it online and I would highly recommend it. Much of my next paragraph is drawn from that talk.

How do we make sure that we are someone who gets those tender mercies? According to Nephi's statement we need to be chosen by him to receive them. The Doctrine and Covenants teaches us that "there are many called, but few are chosen" (D&C 121:34). That is kind of scary to me. Am I called and not chosen? What would prevent me from being chosen? If we read a little further the Doctrine and Covenants answers that question, "And why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson— That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness." Is my heart set upon the things of this world? What do I love spending time doing? Do I aspire to the honors of men? Am I more concerned about what others think of me, or what God thinks of me? What are the principles of righteousness, and am I applying them in my life? If we want to be chosen and receive the tender mercies of the Lord, we need to work these questions out.

Nephi says that people are chosen "because of their faith" and "because of their faith" they will be made "mighty even unto the power of deliverance." We cannot deliver ourselves from sin, or from a great many of our problems. We need to have faith in Jesus Christ to receive the power of deliverance. We need his tender mercy. The scriptures are filled with examples of faith and deliverance. Our faith will increase as we read about others who's faith made them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. Through the tender mercies of the Lord and through faith we will be made mighty unto the power of our own deliverance.

"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Nephi 1:20)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

1 Nephi 1:18-19 -- Lehi as Missionary

“Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor” (D&C 88:81). Lehi saw what was coming upon Jerusalem. Like a parent or friend who sees a loved one going down a destructive path, Lehi tried to help them. Just like many might respond to the warnings of a parent or friend, "the Jews did mock him because of the things which he testified of them." I can hear it now, "I know what I'm doing" or "don't worry Dad!" Humility is an attribute that would make us listen to these warnings.

The Gospel message is one that will help keep us from going down a path to destruction. "Repent" is at the heart of the message that Lehi gave, and also the message of missionary work. Lehi spoke up and testified "of the coming of a Messiah, and also the redemption of the world." It was truly the good news of the Gospel that he preached.

Just like anyone with the missionary spirit, Lehi was met with much opposition. He literally put his life on the line to try to teach others. We are usually not going to be putting our life on the line. We will put our pride on the line, or our reputation, or our comfort zone. Lehi had a testimony through spiritual experiences and the Holy Ghost and he had a love for his fellow man. How could he NOT try to share with the Jews those things which they truly needed to know.

We should be more like Lehi. Once we have that testimony of truth, we should love others enough to share that truth with them. We can help them avoid destruction.

I would also like to note that the Jews were basically members of the true church of their era. It was not the gentiles who Lehi was compelled to preach to. We need to look at our own path and foresee the destruction that lies ahead if we don't change our path. Jesus Christ is your messiah and redeemer. As we see in verse 14, he will not suffer that those who come unto him shall perish.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 Nephi 1:13-15 -- Hope in God

In the verses leading up to these, Lehi has been carried away in a vision. He has been told to read a book and as he does he is filled with the spirit.

The first thing it talks about him reading is "Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations!" That is 2 wo's and an exclamation point at the end. Pretty serious. Lehi spent all his days in Jerusalem and now it is going to be destroyed. Many people who Lehi probably knew were going to "perish and be carried away captive into Babylon."

Two verses later in 15 we read that "his soul did rejoice, and his whole heart was filled..." So now, what exactly did Lehi read or see that made him so happy even though his home town was destined for destruction.

Verse 14 mentions him reading and seeing "many great and marvelous things." We are not told what all those many things were. We know from verse 13 that he read of Jerusalem's coming destruction. That would likely cause Lehi's heart to sorrow, not to rejoice.

At the end of verse 14 we have an indication of what would cause Lehi to rejoice despite the apparent bad news from the previous verse. Lehi praises God saying, "and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!" Another exclamation point. That is the good news of the Gospel. That is what can bring peace and joy to the heart.

We are like Jerusalem sometimes. The Lord sees our abominations and knows when we are on the way to perishing spiritually, and being carried off into Babylon (worldliness and sin). Yet, the Lord won't let us perish if we come to him. He won't allow it. We just need to come unto him.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Nephi 1:9-12 -- Read the Word of God and be filled with the Spirit

In Lehi's vision, he saw Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles descend from Heaven. Christ "gave unto him a book, and bade him that he should read." (verse 11) We have, likewise, been given books that we have been told to read. What is the consequence for not reading as we have been asked? I don't know if I have a definite answer to that, but I can tell you of my experiences. I have gone through my own personal ups-and-downs. It seems to me that being obedient in studying the scriptures has helped my life to sail smoothly forward. When I get relaxed and fail to read as I have been asked, I fall quickly into rough waters (spiritually).

Verse 12 is the real short and sweet statement of doctrine that I have found to be so very true in my life. "And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord." It may not be a new concept at all. The primary answers are "say your prayers, go to church, and read the scriptures." They are the right answers to so many of life's challenges. The one thing I would add to these answers is: don't just do these things to get your check mark for the day! Do them to change yourself. Don't just do them to appear better or feel better, do them to become better.

As Lehi read the book that Christ asked him to read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord. Fill yourself with that Spirit and you will see the natural, positive consequences follow.

Monday, February 16, 2009

1 Nephi 1:8 -- Singing praises

At the end of the verse Lehi sees "God sitting on his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God." That kind of a scene has been hard for me to imagine at times. As I thought about it, I remember times when the prophet has come to speak and everyone spontaneously sang "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" as he entered the room. I was there to witness that scene and it was totally natural to do. I guess I now envision angels singing praises to God being somewhat similar, although it is on a much grander scale.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

1 Nephi 1:4-7 -- Pattern for receiving revelation

Lehi lived his whole life in Jerusalem. Most of his friends and family had lived there all their lives too. I can imagine, when the reign of Zedekiah began and many prophets were saying Jerusalem was going to be destroyed, that a believing Lehi was worried. His hometown, where he experienced life, was on the brink of destruction.

In Verse 5 Lehi went somewhere and prayed. It wasn't just a prayer to be able to put a check mark on his daily task list (Yep, I prayed, I'm being good). Sometimes we treat prayers that way. Lehi's prayer was much deeper. He prayed, "even with all his heart." It was not a half hearted prayer. He poured everything his heart had into his prayer. Our heart is often thought of as the place of love and sincerity. The scriptures teach of receiving answers to prayers in our minds and in our hearts. The mind is where logic seems to rule. Our heart is where feelings rule. Lehi prayed will all of the feeling he had. He prayed with love and sincerity. He was praying in behalf of people he loved: the people of Jerusalem.

Lehi's prayer resulted in a vision in which "he saw and heard much." The only detail about what he saw is a "pillar of fire" that came and dwelt before him. There are some other noteworthy prophets who had similar words to describe visions that they had. The Lord appeared to Moses "in a flame of fire" (Exodus 3:2) I wonder if the lost manuscript of Lehi's writings would let us know what he saw and heard. Nephi tells us in verse 16 that he wasn't making a full account of his father's writings, but that Lehi wrote "many things which he saw in visions and in dreams." I would think that some of those writings would include some details about this particular vision as well. Whatever he saw, it caused him to "quake and tremble exceedingly." Was he afraid? overcome? The footnote references Isaiah's feelings after seeing a vision of the Lord (Isaiah 6:5). It must have been a very powerful experience.

In verse 7 we see the effects of this experience as Lehi is overcome and "he cast himself upon his bed." The intensity of praying with "all his heart" and the resulting vision was overwhelming. I would think that he was so exhausted after this all happened, that he just went home and slept. Being overcome with the spirit is another interesting topic that the footnotes help us with, but that will be analyzed later.

This whole account seems to be a pattern. It parallels Joseph Smith's first vision as well as Moses. I want to highlight some similarities with Joseph Smith. Joseph also went somewhere to pray, and prayed with all sincerity of heart. "I retired to the woods" (Joseph Smith - History 1:14) "I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God" (JS-H 1:15) What Lehi described as a pillar of fire, Joseph calls, "a pillar of light" (JS-h 1:16) Lehi was affected in such a way that he cast himself upon his bed. Joseph wrote, "when the light had departed, I had no strength; but soon recovering in some degree, I went home. And as I leaned up to the fireplace, Mother inquired what the matter was."

What may be most helpful in our personal lives, is the pattern set by these prophets. It shows us that praying with all our hearts in full sincerity helps prepare us to receive revelation. Don't just say your prayers, mean them! Pour your heart into your prayers. Go somewhere where you can be alone and quiet, to receive the answer to your prayer. The exhaustion these prophets felt can give us an idea about the intense effort they put into this. If we put forth a puny effort, why would we expect a powerful response. Even with our maximum effort, visions like this seem rare throughout the history of humankind, so be content with a revelation that is just right for you in your situation. Don't try to dictate to the Lord what he is to do. Let him lead you, and follow the revelations that you receive. Lehi, Moses, and Joseph all had to take on some major, life-changing assignments from the Lord following their revelations. We may have to do the same, but within our own scope of life. Accept the Lord's will for you and you will be more able to receive it.

1 Nephi 1:3 -- Nephi Knows

In this verse Nephi bears testimony of his writings. He knows it's true. He experienced it. Some of the experiences he had would be considered unbelievable by many people, but Nephi let's everyone know that this entire record is true. He's not making any of it up. Nephi was honest and since he wrote every word in his books, he knows there is nothing but truth in it.

I have heard a criticism of the Book on Mormon based on this verse, "It's written according to a man's (Nephi's) knowledge, not God's knowledge." The way I see it, Nephi is just saying that he doesn't just believe these things, he knows them. This verse isn't a disclaimer that says "if anything in this record is wrong, it's because I didn't know." This verse is a stamp of validity that says "I know that everything in this record is right. I wrote it with my own hand according to knowledge, not opinions or assumptions."

There's a progression that I teach in some of my computer classes (normally about databases) that goes like this: (raw)Data-->Information-->Knowledge-->Wisdom. Data is just unorganized facts about things. When you pull those together into some organized fashion it becomes usable information. When you analyze that information you turn it into knowledge. Finally, using that knowledge to make smart decisions is wisdom. Nephi is presenting knowledge to us. Let us use it to make wise decisions.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

1 Nephi 1:1 -- Being Highly Favored in the Midst of Affliction

Nephi was a pretty good guy. He learned it from his parents. Just because he was righteous doesn't mean life was easy for him. "having seen many afflictions" makes me think about all of the things he gave up to go to the promised land and all the struggles that he and his family had. Righteousness doesn't equate to a trial-free life. Nephi's attitude shines through when he says "nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days" Never the less... He counted himself favored of the Lord when his brothers beat him and left him to die (1 Ne 7:16). He counted himself favored of the Lord when his whole family was starving in the middle of the wilderness (1 Ne 16:19-21). He counted himself favored of the Lord when they had to "wade through much affliction in the wilderness" and he still said "great were the blessings of the Lord upon us" (1 Ne 17:1-2). How many times do I have a hard time with something and think of how blessed and favored I am? Still in verse 1 Nephi tells us the secret of his success, "having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God." If we know of the goodness of God, we trust him with our lives and the things we encounter in our lives. Nephi said he had knowledge of the mysteries, not that he knows the answers to all the mysteries. When life is hard, or when you questions some aspect of the gospel, just know the goodness of God. The mysteries may one day be revealed to you, but just know that now it's a mystery and trust the goodness of God. The last phrase is an example for us to follow: "I make a record of my proceedings in my days." We should keep a record of our days. I don't think Nephi wrote this for himself as much as writing it for future generations. Write in a journal, in a way that can preserve it for future posterity. As you read the writings of Nephi you will find that it all teaches. Sometimes it's a story that can be applied to life. Other times it is gospel principles from a sermon. Those are the kinds of things that are going to be valuable to your posterity. The days activities are OK too, but make sure you keep a record that can teach. That's part of the reason I am doing this blog. I wonder a little about preservation of my record. Nephi engraved in metal plates that stood the test of time. It made writing much more difficult, but it was worth it. Make sure that your writings are preserved.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Purpose and welcome

"... Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ ..." 2 Nephi 32:3

The purpose of this blog is to record the feelings and thoughts that I have while reading and studying the Holy Scriptures. I will try to follow Nephi's council to feast upon the words of Christ, and not just read lightly over them. I hope this project will be of service to myself as well as anyone who may read any portion of it.

Welcome, and I hope you may find something of worth as you read.